Pesto shortbread with Sorrento I.G.P. lemon

Difficulty: low

Preparation: 30 minutes + 45 minutes set time

Cooking: 20 minutes

Doses for: 6

Cost: Inexpensive

A gastronomic treat that enhances your ability to surprise with ever-new flavors. Pesto shortbread cookies are perfect for making a creative appetizer or a very refined starter.

A savory cookie with a thousand flavors and many shapes that can be served alone or enriched with cheese creams, sauces or vegetables according to what your imagination suggests.


Try Basil pesto with black truffle or Red pesto sauce (basil and dried tomatoes) or the high in version with High in protein basil pesto sauce or High in protein red pesto sauce from Cascina San Cassiano.


Pour the flour onto the work surface and put the cold chopped butter and egg in the center along with the Basil pesto with Sorrento I.G.P. lemon from Cascina San Cassiano and the pinch of salt. Knead all the ingredients quickly and if necessary add a little more flour.

Wrap the dough in clingfilm and refrigerate for 30-40 minutes. When the dough is chilled, take it out of the refrigerator and roll out the dough with a 5mm height. Cut out the cookies in your favorite shape and place in the drip pan covered with baking paper.

Beat the egg white with a fork and lightly brush the cookies, then distribute the pine nuts making them adhere to the surface of the cookies.

Bake at 190° for 20-25 minutes (depending on your oven) in static mode.

When the savory shortbreads are cold, place them in a plastic bag to preserve their fragrance and crispness. Serve as an appetizer or starter by making other versions with different Cascina San Cassiano pestos, also combining them with Cascina San Cassiano cheese creams, in particular we recommend D.O.P. Gorgonzola cheese creamy sauce or D.O.P. Taleggio cheese cream

Shrimp appetizer with pesto mayonnaise

Difficulty: Low

Preparation: 30 minutes + 1hour for set time

Cooking: 2 minutes

Stringy crust with cranberry sauce

Difficulty: Low

Preparation: 15 miunutes

Cooking: 6 minuti

Roast Pork with Cranberry Sauce

Difficulty: Medium

Preparation: 1 hour

Cooking: 50 minutes

Cups with Zabaione cream and brownie

Difficulty: Low

Preparation: 45 minutes+1 hour cooling time

Cooking: 25 minutes

Pasta with lemon pesto and cherry tomatoes

Difficulty: Low

Preparation: 10 minutes

Cooking: 20 minutes
